The Wonderful Beagle Dog Breed

Welcome to the wonderful world of Beagles!  Whether you are a seasoned owner of a lovable Beagle pooch, or just starting the process and thinking about welcoming a Beagle into your family, you have landed in the right place.  This site is dedicated to all things Beagle.  

The History of the Beagle

Beagles have been around a LONG time.  They are not a new breed by any means.  No one is exactly sure where the breed began but they were around long before the Romans.  Evidence suggests that they were popular during the ancient Greek time period and were always used for some sort of hunting endeavor.  Although the modern day Beagle is associated with rabbit hunting it is more likely than not that the breed was originally used to hunt fox.

The Beagle Name

What’s in a name?  Believe it or not, the Beagle breed is SO old that no one really seems to know how it got its name!  Some say that it comes from the French word “be’geule” which means to howl.  Others say it comes from “beag” which is Gaelic for little.  

Thinking about a Beagle for your family?

According to the AKC, the Beagle ranks somewhere around number 6 in popularity for dog breeds.  They aren’t too big or small and are one of the most popular medium size dog breeds for families.  There are a few breed specific things to consider when choosing a Beagle.  One trait that is stronger in some Beagles than others is they can be “howlers.”   Not all Beagles are overly vocal but some of them, when left alone, may take to vocalization to express their dismay.  It also takes dedication to recall training as it can be difficult to get them to come back to you when they are off leash.  

This breed is a happy breed.  They are lovable, loyal and great with kids.  They do need room to run however and can be very clingy.  It isn’t generally recommended to add a Beagle to your family if you live in an apartment or in a living arrangement where access to the outdoors may be a problem.  If you DO live in that type of situation, just be aware that you will have to make the extra effort to give your dog at least two walks a day and some run time.  If you can commit to that then you should be fine.

Consider Adopting

If you are thinking about getting a Beagle, please consider adopting one from a local (or maybe not so local) shelter. Many Beagles are surrendered to shelters because the owners were unable to devote the time necessary to train them properly.

Because this breed is so amiable and docile, they are unfortunately a popular choice for lab testing – horrendous as it may sound. The Rescue Freedom Project – formerly called the The Beagle Freedom Project, is an active organization that has rescued and rehabilitated thousands of dogs – and most of those have been Beagles.  

If you must purchase your new family member (we get it…puppies are so darn cute), then make sure the breeder is reputable.  You can get recommendations for the AKC but some of the things to look for are:

  • The breeder is registered.
  • You are encouraged to visit the puppy and mother together and to view the environment that the breeder has established for the dogs.  It should be clean, calm and inviting.
  • The breeder has detailed information about the socialization and medical history of the puppy.  The puppy should have had its initial visits with a Veterinarian as well as all shots according to schedule. 
  • The breeder should offer to guarantee the dogs behavioral and medical health and will take the animal back if specific issues arise.  They should show an interest in the dogs long term well being.